
Cinnamon 1.2 is out!  All APIs and the desktop itself are now fully stable!  Loaded with many new features, desktop effects, desktop layouts and a new configuration tool. In what appears to be the biggest and boldest step for the Linux offshoot of Ubuntu.  Linux Mint Cinnamon is bringing back much of what brought many of us to Linux.  User customization and configuration.

Desktop Effects are back with fade and scale, as well as 30 transition styles.
Desktop Layout configuration is back to what we use to have before Ubuntu and Gnome3 removed them.  You can now have your panel where you want it again.
Ease of Customization is now addressed with the release of a new configuration tool called “Cinnamon Settings”

Also a bunch of under the hood changes.  Grab a copy today and have a look at what appears to be a Linux that has listened to the users.

Sources: Cinnamon