Windows 8 Developers Release

After getting a hands on look at Microsoft’s new Windows release over the weekend.  I found myself excited to get a BLEEDING EDGE look at what Microsoft’s vision of computer looks like next.  Yet at the same time, I worry that this thing will fall flat on it’s face like several other approaches Microsoft has launched.

My first impression when using the Metro UI and Windows 8 was DANG this isn’t very intuitive at all.  How they heck am I supposed to find my programs and how do we configure things.  After a bit of searching the web as well as watching several YouTube videos I felt armed with enough knowledge to DRIVE the new OS.  My Lenovo ideapad with it’s touch screen technology was ready for the challenge, or so I thought. The initial INSTALL of Windows 8 Metro didn’t go so well.  It was a WEB driven upgrade from Windows 7 Pro to Window 8 that was supposed to keep all of my User Profile and settings.  It appeared to work flawlessly and never once cried fowl.  Until I started try to USE it.  None of the Metro Tiles would launch a program.

Back to the INTERNET I went, combing thru articles on MSDN and other locations and found a solution.  The Screen Resolution was too small.  Ok I went to change that.. Dang it all, I was stuck at 1024×600.  It needed to be minimally 1024×768, and I had NO options for a larger screen mode.  Once again I deep dived in to the Internet knowledge base and found that someone had found the REGISTRY modification that need to be made to allow larger resolutions.  Plugged that in and rebooted.

Still NO JOY.  Digging deeper, it appeared to have been an Issue with user permissions.  ADMIN accounts weren’t being allowed to run Metro Apps.  So I created a LIMITED local TEST account.  Bang, Zoom!  The little touch screen critter was working now.  The learning curve to figure out where to go to input and modify the settings was PRETTY steep and involved finding locations that weren’t MARKED on the interface and right clicking there to get access to a stripped down version of a Windows Desktop.  Since Windows 8 has STRIPPED the START MENU out in favor of the Metro Interface.  It did take alot of screen flipping to figure out.

After a bit, I reported my findings to the 2 Software Engineers monitoring our progress at Microsoft.  The asked for my LOGS to check the errors.  After confirming that they had them, I dove into a FRESH CLEAN install of the new Operating System.  I encounter the same Screen Resolution issue but not the Permissions and Profile issue.  After 24 hours with the unit at this point.  I can say there are some things I really like about the Metro interface.  It’s FAST and some of the functions I would have had to do with a Mouse being able to POINT and Drag is MUCH faster.  Others well, I think they need to be thought out a bit.  I’ve been working on TWEEKING and customizing the OS and it will live in my home until it expires on March 11, 2012.  All in all my experience with the Development team at Microsoft was a good one.

So What’s my take on the OS upgrade?  Well it’s a BIG step with out alot of intuitive movements and help.  If Microsoft just DROPS this on folks.  It will be something akin to the WKRP episode with the Turkeys.  Something they cannot afford to do with the memory of VISTA so fresh.  Removal of the Start Bar, umm… To BOLD too fast is my thinking.  Need to put an option in for those to get the classic look back, which I can say there is a Registry Hook that will do that.  I’m sure looking forward to seeing a more polished release in the future.  I’d like to see something that MAKES SENSE happen with this release as well.  That’s if for now..

One thought on “Windows 8 Developer Preview

  1. I completely agree with your last statement, too soon Microsoft, too soon. Vista was WAY new approach to OS, and it flopped miserably. I think they should have learned that over the years their consumers appreciate more of a baby steps approach to new tech than GIANT LEAPS

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