Mobile phones get New Lenses for Cameras!
Source: Photojojo OtherSources: Wired, Gizmodo For a long time the Camera power on our mobile phone's have been catching up with DSLR's but the thing...
How To: Turn off in-app purchases on Apple products
How To: Turn off in-app purchases on Apple products. Great article on how to keep from getting purchases on your IPhone you didn't know about....
The iPhone Is About To Become The FBI’s Newest Crime-Fighting Partner
The iPhone Is About To Become The FBI’s Newest Crime-Fighting Partner | Cult of Mac. User jella_joe brought this link to my attention. Seems law...
Voice Actions for Android
Thomas Wheeler, a user here at wrote me this morning. With some info about Google Mobile Voice Actions. (more…)
Free Mobile Security BETA
Free Mobile Security BETA | Avast!. Well FREE is good!! Avast! is moving into the Mobile Security arena. With the latest rash of Mobile Device...
Dealing with CarrierIQ
So now that we all know about CarrierIQ and it's logging and tracking one our cell phones. What do we do about it.?? (more…)
Android glitch allows hackers to bug phone calls
Android glitch allows hackers to bug phone calls | The Register. Othersources: UPI, NetworkWorld, TGDaily In what appears to be the 2nd big security GAFF...
Android handsets secretly logging keystrokes, SMS messages?
Android handsets secretly logging keystrokes, SMS messages? | The Digital Home - CNET News. Othersources: Forbes, AFP, Gizmodo, MSNBC, BBC This is a bigger for...
Droid 4 specs and Photos Leaked
The upcoming Motorola's Droid 4 looks to be a bit more official. Newly leaked images and a full spec sheet have popped up on the...
The Facebook Phone: It’s Finally Real And Its Name Is Buffy
The Facebook Phone: It's Finally Real And Its Name Is Buffy | Fox News. Othersources: AllThingsD, The Telegraph, CNN Alright after reading this this...