
Agree or disagree, you will have to wait for 20 years to find out if the software was right or wrong.
I always hoped to be a silver fox. But, I’ll approve of the diet I’ve obviously been on hehehe…

Looking at my own face in 20 years I’m 50 right now I’m ok with it.  Looks like I got the diet down and lived into my 70’s.  After seeing this online at Fastcodesign which was promoting this “Futureself” campaign being held by telecom company Orange, and created by publicis conseil and jam3.I fired up my webcam, struggled a bit with the translation of the website, hit the button and watched as it began it’s calculation’s of the polygons and it had laid on the photo it had taken.  The Fastcodesign article referred to this as a very low budget Back to the Future reboot.  After only a few short moments the software produced a talking, 3-D representation of my future self.

My daughter would enjoy my British accent as she is a total Whovian..

I really can’t say that I’m ok with or not ok with this likeness.  Will this be what I’ll be staring at in the mirror in the mornings at 70?
The rendering for what it’s worth wasn’t to bad compared to others I’ve seen.  Good lighting and sitting still appears to be part of the key to it working well.  The web app takes the targets eyes, nose and mouth, then augments their geometry through some sort of aging filter and squeezes the results into a head.
In my case into a model that seemed to fit.I’d be interested to see more examples of this, and have some fun with the artists out there with it.
I’m also not certain that the amount of hair it’s given me will HOLD UP.  It’s pretty thin already so not likely it will be there by then.