With all of the Recent Security issues, Hacks and Phishing attempts.  One starts to wonder where do we turn to?

Some trust their browser, others their firewall, others virus or malware protection.  I’ve always found the BEST source of protection.  Is INFORMATION on the vulnerabilities and what programs, computers, routers or phones have them.  So that I can make the best purchase or suggested purchase for others.

Let’s face it there are always going to be BUGS in software and issues with computers.  These have existed since the start of the computer industry.  Even governments who have the most money and the most programmers have BUGS in their code.  Most recent example, the Russian space probe that’s parked now in orbit.

Ok so what’s my point.  The US Government needed a way to track and stay ahead of these issues.  A great repository is US-CERT.  I’ve added a link in our Links List.   Spend some time looking for the info on their site and subscribe to their mailing list. It’s a great way to help you know, what to remove from your system and what to keep.