Turn Off Your Smartphone Camera’s GPS to Protect Your Privacy
If you don’t like to broadcast your whereabouts and privacy is something you care about, you’ve likely got it under control: No Foursquare for you,...
MacroSolve Files Patent Infringement Suit Against Facebook
Macrosolve, headquartered in Tulsa, OK, has filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Facebook for violation of U.S. Patent No. 7,822,816. (more…)
Mobile phones get New Lenses for Cameras!
Source: Photojojo OtherSources: Wired, Gizmodo For a long time the Camera power on our mobile phone's have been catching up with DSLR's but the thing...
The Facebook Phone: It’s Finally Real And Its Name Is Buffy
The Facebook Phone: It's Finally Real And Its Name Is Buffy | Fox News. Othersources: AllThingsD, The Telegraph, CNN Alright after reading this this...
The Rootkit Of All Evil
The Rootkit Of All Evil – CIQ | xda-developers. It sure does seem companies are more and more wanting to TRACK your location. Now it's...
HTC Android Flaw Leaks Smartphone User Data – Security – Mobile Security – Informationweek
HTC Android Flaw Leaks Smartphone User Data - Security - Mobile Security - InformationweekOther Sources: PCMag