New Plastic Material Capable of Detecting Nuclear Substances Developed
New Plastic Material Capable of Detecting Nuclear Substances Developed - A new material, recently described in the Journal Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics...
Controlled Quantum Levitation
JAPAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY released a video clip of some recent work on quantum levitation. The group took their inspiration from the game...
Light Created from a Vacuum: Casimir Effect Observed in Superconducting Circuit
Light Created from a Vacuum | ScienceDaily
Is the New Physics Here? Atom Smashers Get an Antimatter Surprise
Is the New Physics Here? Atom Smashers Get an Antimatter Surprise | LiveScience. OtherSources: Wired Some maybe asking why is a Physic's story on a...
‘Faster Than Light’ Particles Make Time Travel Possible, Scientist Says | Fox News
'Faster Than Light' Particles Make Time Travel Possible, Scientist Says | Fox News
Physicists Create Magnetic Invisibility Cloak | Wired Science |
Physicists Create Magnetic Invisibility Cloak | Wired Science |
Scientists Successfully Teleport Quantum Information; Or Schrödinger’s Cat Lives/Dies
Scientists Successfully Teleport Quantum Information; Or Schrödinger's Cat Lives/Dies Source: PopSci
New magnetic effect of light an alternative source of solar energy | Electronics News
New magnetic effect of light an alternative source of solar energy | Electronics News