Controlled Quantum Levitation
JAPAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY released a video clip of some recent work on quantum levitation. The group took their inspiration from the game...
Light Created from a Vacuum: Casimir Effect Observed in Superconducting Circuit
Light Created from a Vacuum | ScienceDaily
Is the New Physics Here? Atom Smashers Get an Antimatter Surprise
Is the New Physics Here? Atom Smashers Get an Antimatter Surprise | LiveScience. OtherSources: Wired Some maybe asking why is a Physic's story on a...
Hubble Telescope Observes Matter Falling Into Black Hole
Hubble Telescope Observes Matter Falling Into Black Hole - Forbes.
Mind’s eye: Experts use magnetic scanner to see videos ‘playing’ inside people’s brains
Mind's eye: Experts use magnetic scanner to see videos 'playing' inside people's brains | Mail Online.
Small satellites prompt big ideas for next 25 years
Small satellites prompt big ideas for next 25 years -
Galileo Navigation Satellites Lift off Thursday
Galileo Navigation Satellites Lift off Thursday - eWeek Other Sources: BBC. EC
How an Underwater "Invisibility Cloak" Makes Solid Objects Disappear
How an Underwater "Invisibility Cloak" Makes Solid Objects Disappear
Gamasutra – News – Gamers Help Discover New Potential Planets Using NASA Data
Gamasutra - News - Gamers Help Discover New Potential Planets Using NASA Data Other Sources: Digital Trends
New ‘FeTRAM’ is promising computer memory technology
New 'FeTRAM' is promising computer memory technology