The iPhone Is About To Become The FBI’s Newest Crime-Fighting Partner
The iPhone Is About To Become The FBI’s Newest Crime-Fighting Partner | Cult of Mac. User jella_joe brought this link to my attention. Seems law...
Kapersky Quits Business Software Alliance Over SOPA Stance
Kapersky Quits Business Software Alliance Over SOPA Stance | Maximum PC. Let's face it SOPA is probably one of the WORST pieces of legislation to...
Android handsets secretly logging keystrokes, SMS messages?
Android handsets secretly logging keystrokes, SMS messages? | The Digital Home - CNET News. Othersources: Forbes, AFP, Gizmodo, MSNBC, BBC This is a bigger for...
Holder Asks America to Remain ‘Vigilant,’ Report Intellectual-Property Crime
Holder Asks America to Remain ‘Vigilant,’ Report Intellectual-Property Crime | Threat Level | Ok is it just me or is this guy kindda sound...
R2D2 – Forget the jargon, it’s a wiretap
R2D2 – Forget the jargon, it’s a wiretap | avast! blog. Well in keeping with what seems to be a theme today, government erosion of...
Be certain big brother is Watching
In's Threat Level, David Kravets details 9 reason's you may want to be a bit Paranoid these days. (more…)
Facebook, Google join to fight Internet piracy legislation
Facebook, Google join to fight Internet piracy legislation - Post Tech - The Washington Post. OtherSources: CNet, Reuters
Hackers Hijack Millions of Computers in ‘Massive’ Fraud Case
Hackers Hijack Millions of Computers in ‘Massive’ Fraud Case - Businessweek. Other Sources: NYTimes, FoxNews
Supreme Court Sees Shades of 1984 in Unchecked GPS Tracking
Supreme Court Sees Shades of 1984 in Unchecked GPS Tracking | UPDATE: has been continuing to follow this importand matter and released an...
Feds Seek Unfettered GPS Surveillance Power as Location-Tracking Flourishes
Feds Seek Unfettered GPS Surveillance Power as Location-Tracking Flourishes |