Video: Leonardo Da Vinci’s wacky piano is heard for the first time, after 500 years
A bizarre instrument combining a piano and cello has finally been played to an audience more than 500 years after it was dreamt up Leonardo...
Instant inkjet circuits
In the paper Instant Inkjet Circuits: Lab-Based Inkjet Printing To Support Rapid Prototyping Of Ubicomp Devices researchers Yoshihiro Kawahara of the University of Tokyo, Steve...
Library: New Section added
We added a Multi-OS section, with one of the best pieces of software I think I've seen come along for a while now. PREY -...
Out in the Open: The Free Tools That Let You Hack Your Whole Life
Imagine a home speaker system that identifies everyone in the room and plays only the music they wanna hear. A custom-designed circuit board called the...
Video: New Software offers High Quality Prints from Low Quality Lenses
If you're in the market for a consumer-friendly DSLR, it's a good idea to budget in some money for extra lenses, as you'll see a...
The Wearable Airbag for Motorcyclists Just Got Even Safer
Dainese was the first major motorcycle suit maker to bring airbag-equipped technology to the masses, and later this year it’s raising the bar — both...
NASA’s Ironman-like exoskeleton showcased
Marvel Comic's fictional superhero, Ironman, uses a powered armor suit that allows him superhuman strength. While NASA's X1 robotic exoskeleton can't do what you see...
Meet The 17-Year-Old Who Created A Brain-Powered Prosthetic Arm
Easton LaChappelle used 3-D printing and electronics to do on his own what his school couldn't teach him--and what the market needed. And it will...
VIDEO: Flying Walking Robot Turns Wings into Legs
Here's a new robotics term for you to memorize: multi-modal locomotion. It means locomoting in multi-modes, and that just means getting around in more than one...
Entrepreneur envisions NY to LA in 45 minutes via HyperLoop TUBES
Elon Musk wants to revolutionize transportation. Again. The serial entrepreneur envisions a future where mag-lev trains in enormous pneumatic tubes whisk us from Los Angeles...