MacroSolve Files Patent Infringement Suit Against Facebook
Macrosolve, headquartered in Tulsa, OK, has filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Facebook for violation of U.S. Patent No. 7,822,816. (more…)
Microsoft, Facebook and Google unite to eliminate phishing via DMARC – will it work?
If the news wires are to be believed, the death of spam is imminent. Again! (In 2004, Bill Gates famously remarked that spam would be...
The FBI Wanting to Monitor Social Media
Looks like the FBI wants to see who you associate with on social media now. They are wanting to create a application that monitors social...
Facebook forces change to Timeline Profile
Facebook is set to start forcing users to change to the Timeline Profile. The new profile allows quicker access to older data, including posts, pictures...
UPDATE!!! Cyberworm Gobbles Up 45,000 Facebook User Logins
UPDATE: 01.06.2012 3:35pm central - Is your facebook login not working? Here's WHY!! Facebook locks down 45,000 accounts this is affecting mostly UK users we...
Google+ usage surges ahead 55% between from Nov. to Dec.
Reports out this morning show surge in the use of Google+. Could this be a backlash against recent facebook changes or just additional devices coming...
Facebook Timeline – Now available Worldwide
Facebooks Blog gives you all of the latest details on TIMELINE the controversial new Profile on Facebook. (more…)
Twitter get’s a FACELIFT aimed at targeting Facebook and Google+
Source: TGDaily, Wired, TechCrunch Twitters facelift has made is cleaner, sharper, faster, easier to navigate as well as more attractive to advertisers. (more…)
Facebook fixes flaw that allowed access to private photos
Facebook fixes flaw that allowed access to private photos | Naked Security. Well I can say this for one thing. I've been moving my own...
Anonymous says Facebook attack was never real
Anonymous says Facebook attack was never real | InSecurity Complex - CNET News.