Does Your Business Have a Cyber Plan? New Tool Can Help
FCC Tool - Does Your Business Have a Cyber Plan? | OtherSources: Reuters, ComputerWorld
Skype security flaw allows location tracking
Skype security flaw allows location tracking | TG Daily. Wow within Days of Microsoft taking over something is BROKEN. A HUGE security Flaw found? Things...
Widely used encryption standard is insecure, say experts
Widely used encryption standard is insecure, say experts - Macworld UK. Other Sources: InformationWeek, ZDNet Asia
Security firm RSA blames nation state for attack on its servers
Security firm RSA blames nation state for attack on its servers | Naked Security.
Google rolls out silent fix for Android security vulnerability
Google rolls out silent fix for Android security vulnerability | Naked Security
BBC News – Android handsets ‘leak’ personal data
Android phone owners are being urged to update their handset to avoid problems BBC News - Android handsets 'leak' personal data
PREVENTING SPAM scam on Facebook does exactly the opposite
A rash of SPAM on Facebook. this morning. The following article on Sopho's outlines what's happening and the steps that Facebook has taken to combat...