Report: NSA Is Intercepting Traffic From Yahoo, Google Data Centers
Not satisfied with the bulk data it collects through court orders from internet giants Google and Yahoo, the National Security Agency reportedly vacuumed up traffic...
Snowden leaks: US and UK ‘crack online encryption’
US and UK intelligence have reportedly cracked the encryption codes protecting the emails, banking and medical records of hundreds of millions of people. (more…)
Feds are Suspects in New Malware That Attacks Tor Anonymity
Security researchers tonight are poring over a piece of malware that takes advantage of a Firefox security vulnerability to identify some users of the privacy-protecting Tor...
Associated Press Reporting USPS takes photos of all mail
The Postal Service takes pictures of every piece of mail processed in the United States _ 160 billion last year _ and keeps them on...
Claim: Attackers can compromise iPhone via chargers and apps
Researchers from the Georgia Tech Information Security Center (GTISC) have discovered two security weaknesses that permit installation of malware onto Apple mobile devices (iPhone, iPad,...
Turn Off Your Smartphone Camera’s GPS to Protect Your Privacy
If you don’t like to broadcast your whereabouts and privacy is something you care about, you’ve likely got it under control: No Foursquare for you,...
SIM Cards Have Finally Been Hacked, And The Flaw Could Affect Millions Of Phones
Smartphones are susceptible to malware and carriers have enabled NSA snooping, but the prevailing wisdom has it there’s still one part of your mobile phone...
Facebook issues data breach notification – may have leaked your email and phone number
Facebook just published a data breach notification on its security blog. You might not immediately notice that from the title of the article, which announces...
WordPress Security Suggestions.
Well with all of the news recently regarding WordPress Hacker and Hacking using Brute Force Methods. A couple folks have ASKED, what are the BEST Security methods...
US Teens preparing for Cyberwarfare.
Computer-savvy teens are putting down their game controllers -- at least temporarily -- for code writing and virus-sweeping. Security professionals, call it "Red Dawn: Part...