Ubuntu get’s a Heads Up Display, no Weapons but a HUD still the same.
In Blog announcement by Mark Shuttleworth, he laid out plans for a Head Up Display in the next incarnation of Ubuntu's OS. (more…)
Canonical shows off Ubuntu TV at CES 2012
UK based #Canonical made it's first appearance at #CES, and as promised brought something cool along with them. #Ubuntu TV. (more…)
Windows 8 upgrades will supposedly be super fast
Windows 8 upgrades will supposedly be super fast | TG Daily. Not sure what others experience was with Windows 8 Upgrade. (more…)
New Kernel Patch Slashes Linux’s Power Appetite
New Kernel Patch Slashes Linux's Power Appetite | PCWorld Business Center.
Windows 8 Developer Preview
After getting a hands on look at Microsoft's new Windows release over the weekend. I found myself excited to get a BLEEDING EDGE look at...