Pentagon Offers Military Airwaves for 5G Wireless Networks
The Pentagon plans to free up a big chunk of its military airwaves in the U.S. for high-speed internet service, part of a broader push...
Revised FCC Form 605 changed to add Felony Convictions
A revised FCC Form 605 — Quick-Form Application for Authorization in the Ship, Aircraft, Amateur, Restricted and Commercial Operator, and General Mobile Radio Services — going into...
ARRL updates “US Amateur Radio Bands” Chart
The ARRL recently updated the "US Amateur Radio Bands" Chart. These charts are used by Amateur radio operators as a visual representation of the frequencies...
FCC Proposes Changes to the Cable Set-Top Box Market
The cable set-top box, long a scourge of consumers and a moneymaker for cable companies, appears set for a makeover. The FCC Federal Communications Commission...
Video: President’s Plan to Save the Internet
US President, Barack Obama, is urging adoption of stronger NET NEUTRALITY rules, by asking the FCC to classify it as a public utility. In other...
FCC Plans to Overhaul the Rules to Rescue Net Neutrality
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is going to bat for an open Internet. The agency plans to rewrite the rules that govern how Internet traffic...
FCC Chief steps down.
Julius Genachowski isn't the only member of the Federal Communications Commission who is leaving the FCC. Commissioner Robert McDowell also announced his departure a couple...
Major FCC push: Cheap PCs, broadband
Major FCC push: Cheap PCs, broadband – The FCC along with ISP's announce plan to get online and get connected cheaply. (more…)