Verizon and Redbox Teaming for DVD and Streaming services
A bold move to directly compete with Netflix, Verizon and Rebox announced their plans to allowing anyone with broadband service to rent DVDs and stream...
Canonical shows off Ubuntu TV at CES 2012
UK based #Canonical made it's first appearance at #CES, and as promised brought something cool along with them. #Ubuntu TV. (more…)
Tivo settles for $215 Million from AT&T in Patent Settlement
Tivo will receive the minimum sum of $215 million over six years — more if AT&T DVR subscribers go above a certain level. This settles...
PlayLater Offers an Online Answer to the DVR
PlayLater Offers an Online Answer to the DVR -
Netflix Kills ‘Qwikster” DVD Spinoff
Netflix Kills 'Qwikster" DVD Spinoff - YouTube.
Netflix Now The Largest Single Source of Internet Traffic In North America
Netflix Now The Largest Single Source of Internet Traffic In North America With info like this, data caps now being enforced by some ISP's could...