theSkyHook and theSkyHookx2x6 Product line arrives
After our first successful run on theSkyHook and input from it’s many users. We expanded the product line to add theSkyHookx2x6.
The end of the cold solder joint.
This could mean the end of the cold solder joint, in electronics fabrication. (more…)
Instant inkjet circuits
In the paper Instant Inkjet Circuits: Lab-Based Inkjet Printing To Support Rapid Prototyping Of Ubicomp Devices researchers Yoshihiro Kawahara of the University of Tokyo, Steve...
Meet The 17-Year-Old Who Created A Brain-Powered Prosthetic Arm
Easton LaChappelle used 3-D printing and electronics to do on his own what his school couldn't teach him--and what the market needed. And it will...