Researcher Details USB-Based Attack That Circumvents All Known Protective Security Measures
Security research Karsten Nohl of Berlin's SR Labs has revealed a flaw in USB devices that potentially allows hackers to evade all known security measures...
Video: New product launch! Introducing Raspberry Pi Model B+
[video_lightbox_vimeo5 video_id=100672311 width=640 height=480 auto_thumb="1"] In the two years since we launched the current Raspberry Pi Model B, we’ve often talked about our intention to do...
Surprise: New, Cheaper iMac Takes a Performance Hit
If you’ve been wanting an Apple desktop but didn’t want to shell out the cash for either an iMac or the Mac Pro, you’re in...
AMD touts new low-cost desktop chipset, calls Intel’s a “dead-end”
Developing markets targeted with $60 price point for chip and mobo combined. The developing world may be turning toward cheap and portable smartphones, but AMD...
Bizarre attack infects Linksys routers with self-replicating malware
Note: This article was published several days ago. It didn't make a WIDE pass in the news cycle so should be paid attention to closely...
Malware communicates at a distance of 65 feet using built-in mics and speakers.
Computer scientists have developed a malware prototype that uses inaudible audio signals to communicate, a capability that allows the malware to covertly transmit keystrokes...
Citizen Kano pitches easy-build Raspberry Pi for code-hungry kids
Anyone can toss together a Raspberry Pi and a bunch of accessories and call it a computer learning kit, but Kano has a more joined-up...
The Hour of Code 2013
What is Hour of Code It's a one-hour introduction to computer science education designed to demystify code and show that anyone can learn the basics...
How To Avoid CryptoLocker Ransomware
Over the past several weeks, a handful of frantic Microsoft Windows users have written in to ask what they might do to recover from PC...
Report: NSA Is Intercepting Traffic From Yahoo, Google Data Centers
Not satisfied with the bulk data it collects through court orders from internet giants Google and Yahoo, the National Security Agency reportedly vacuumed up traffic...