This is a list of the Malware/Spyware/Grayware/Bloatware Protection software that I use or have used. Removal of any of these pieces of software, can be tricky and you will find there is not ONE Program out there that will remove all programs. This however does not mean running 2 removal programs at the same time on a system it good. They will conflict and make a worse mess than having the virus many times. So NEVER RUN 2 protection programs at the same time.
Free Online Malware Scanner
- None on the list at this time.
Download Free/Shareware Malware Scanners (If you like it PLEASE DONATE!! keep them FREE)
- MalwareBytes – I use this in my nightly scan and sweep in combination with Avast! They don’t conflict and it has kept me pretty clean over the past few years.
- Spybot Search and Destroy – Been around for a long time. I used to use this and still will from time to time to get something that MalwareBytes won’t.
- HijackThis – It is more than just a Scanner and Remover. Recommended for someone a bit more technical.
- AutoRuns – Great tool for removing things that are starting up and don’t appear in your startup menu. Also for removing things that shouldn’t be there. Again Recommended for those that are more technical
Download Paid Subscription Malware Scanners
- None the list at this time
This list is by NO MEANS the TOTAL list of all the protection software out there. Just products I’ve used or others have recommend. Another Resource I’ll be recommending for those that are TECH types, is have a look at the latest programs in the Hiren’s Boot CD it has many resources there that are EXCELLENT for Software control. Download the ISO