Pure copper material now option for Metal X 3D Printer
US-based composite and metal 3D printer provider Markforged, has released a pure copper material option for use with the Metal X 3D printer. (more…)
Why Russia’s Hypersonic Missiles Can’t Be Seen on Radar | Military.com
The age of Russian superweapons is upon us -- at least that's what President Vladimir Putin wants us to believe. (more…)
Some Weird Gas Balls Are Swirling Around Sagittarius A*
Scientists have discovered a new class of celestial objects orbiting Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way. The objects...
New Amateur Radio Library Entries
Added several NEW Amateur Radio Library entries. New Show and software links. We will be adding more items to that list over the time. Makes...
The US Army says it will have hypersonic missiles and laser weapons ready for combat in less than 4 years
The US Army says it will have hypersonic missiles and laser weapons ready for combat in less than 4 years
The rare form of machine learning that can spot hackers who have already broken in – MIT Technology Review
Darktrace’s unsupervised-learning models sound the alarm before intruders can cause serious damage. — Read on www.technologyreview.com/s/612427/the-rare-form-of-machine-learning-that-can-spot-hackers-who-have-already-broken-in/
NASA’s new Mars lander is in for ‘seven minutes of terror’ on Monday | Popular Science
On November 26 a new mission called InSight will attempt to enter the thin Martian atmosphere and land in a region called Elysium Planitia. —...
Hackers Delete Thousands of Dark Web Pages • Digit
Hackers have permanently deleted 6,500 hidden services that were hosted on the Daniel's Hosting dark web server. — Read on digit.fyi/hackers-delete-thousands-of-dark-web-pages/
Elon Musk renames his BFR spacecraft Starship – BBC News
The entrepreneur would not reveal why he had renamed the craft, which has still not yet been built. — Read on www.bbc.com/news/business-46274158
Amateur Radio
Notice the FAST Menu changes, added is Amateur Radio. Changes came about due to the fact that our LIBRARY is covering most of the function...