Added a few new links to the Weather Room 4.0 links.
Earth – Global Interactive Map of winds, weather and oceans
Weather Map offers an interactive moving map that can provide you with a good way to see
our weather in action.
Hurricane Watch Net
Amateur radio Hurricane Radio Net disseminating the latest weather advisories issued by the National Hurricane Center in Miami, FL. We do so for marine interests, Caribbean Island and Central American nations, and other interests where public media is not readily available.
VoIP – Weather Net
VoIP Hurricane and Weather Net
The Intercon Net
This Net operates daily on 14.300.00 MHz USB from 7:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. ET. The Intercontinential Amateur Traffic Net [Intercon] 20-meter net was formed to promote goodwill and friendly relations among radio operators everywhere. We handle third party traffic, and provide emergency weather communications to any location where the normal means are disrupted.
Maritime Mobile Service Network
This Net operates daily on 14.300.00 MHz USB from 12:00 p.m. until at 10:00 p.m. ET. The network acts as a weather beacon for ships during periods of severe weather and regularly repeats high seas and tropical weather warnings and bulletins from the National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center.
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Weather Room 3.0 Now online
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