
PhotoSource: Businesswire

A cyber-readiness report released by the McAfee and Security and Defense Agenda Think Tank, report showed China, Brazil and Mexico as the least prepared to defend themselves against cyber attacks. At the top of that list, BEST prepared were Finland, Israel and Sweden with a rating of 4.5.  Despite recent high profile hacking attempts from pro-Arab hacking groups.  They report showed Israel among the most protected in the world.

Cyber security experts believe we are at the beginning of a global cyber arms race.

Some findings in the report:

  • 57% of global experts believe that an arms race is taking place in cyberspace.
  • 36% believe cyber-security is more important than missile defense.
  • 43% identified damage or disruption to critical infrastructure as the greatest single threat posed by cyber-attacks with wide economic consequences (up from 37% in McAfee’s 2010 Critical Infrastructure Report).
  • 45% of respondents believe that cyber-security is as important as border security. The state of cyber-readiness of the United States, Australia, UK, China and Germany all ranked behind smaller countries such as Israel, Sweden and Finland (23 countries ranked in report).

The full copy of the Report can be found here.

Sources: BBC News, Haaretz, Securitydefenceagenda, Bloomberg.