The following is a list that I felt was worth mentioning on the site.

Synergy – Not sure how many folks have Multiple computers and screens but don’t have room for all the MICE and Keyboards.  You can buy a KVM and share but they are costly and maybe you want to JUST share the Mouse and keyboard but not the monitor.  With this program you can easily share your mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on your desk, and it’s FREE and OPEN SOURCE.  Just move your mouse off the edge of on computer’s screen on to another.  You can even share all hour clipboards (Cut and Paste).  All you need is a network connection.  Synergy is cross-platform as well working on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux so you can mix and match what ever OS’s you want.  Tutorial on setup , this is what I used to create my Virtual connections.  Works pretty well.  Note this isn’t a KVM, it share’s your Mouse and Keyboard between multiple systems that have monitors and may or may not already have a keyboard or mouse.  Great for control when you don’t want to do a remote desktop.

BgInfo – Ok if you run multiple systems in a network and remote in to them to work, do update’s, view or whatever.  How often have you found yourself getting distracted and the coming back and needing to remember important system information about the system you are on.  Well with BgInfo you can have it displayed in the desktop of that system.  Information like Hostname: IP Address: ton’s of more information.  When it’s all configured drop it in you start up and it will come up each time you REBOOT that system.

Hiren’s BootCD – a First Aid Kit for your Computer.  It is EXACTLY that.  Ton’s of very useful program’s for fixing nearly ANY issue out there.  The link at beginning is for the List of Changes from version to version and where to download the ISO in Zip format.  The main page located here [] offers a complete list of what software is on the disc.  It does not however offer a link to download.