In Blog announcement by Mark Shuttleworth, he laid out plans for a Head Up Display in the next incarnation of Ubuntu’s OS.  His blog laid down some other great things that maybe coming down the road for the most popular for the Free Linux solutions.  Among those, Speech control.  He stated, Voice is the natural next step in big bold letters in the blog.  Full details can be found in his blog for what’s next for Ubuntu and what’s upcoming in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

My first impression from looking at the Video.  Cool idea but, I miss my ability to configure Ubuntu Linux they way I wanted it to look and add in the FEATURES I wanted or remove what I didn’t like.  Something simple like moving the Taskbar to where I wanted it to be located.

The OS’s of Today,  Windows, Linux and Mac included are taking away much of what I enjoyed about the direction we were going.  User customization.  Unfortunately this seems to be more of the trend because some users can’t make heads or tails of all of the bells and whistles so they take away functionality.  This should not be the case, simply put them away from where the average user can’t run into them.  Leave them where an ADVANCED user can find them and still effect great changes and additions.  Just my 2 cents on it all.

Sources: MarkShuttleworth, YouTube